A holiday in my hometown

Mixed Emotions on My Journey Home

I booked a week in Perth to attend the funeral of a great friend and to say a last goodbye to living friends before really, truly start this camel trek across the country. 

My first night is spent with friends. Since we last met up, we’ve all moved, changed and headed on separate paths. One friend has moved to Bali, another has been traveling the world licking frogs and finding his spiritual purpose. Charlie has bought an electric scooter and turned it into a fucking religion.

It doesn’t take long till we are all rolling around on the floor, laughing at stupid jokes, not sharing much about what’s changed, not talking about the amazing and unique journeys we are all on, but sharing our connections, our pasts and memories. But we’re doing more than reliving the past. The connection feels stronger. Maybe because we all know it’s just for a few hours. Like a fleeting holiday romance, we are caught up in the moment, knowing that our paths may not cross again.

Each of us has a whole world in front of us. We’re the kind of people who like to see what life has to offer, so the chances of us all being in the same room again become less and less with each day we take another step on our individual paths.

The next day I attend the funeral of my friend. It’s such a beautiful day to celebrate Wayne’s life with one or 20 drinks at the wake.

Camel Dawn

Life After John

I also make my way into the office to see friends and meet a few new faces. The company has evolved from life after John, as I have without her, both redefining ourselves separately. She was the longest and most stable relationship I have ever had, but I cope surprising well watching her in the hands of another man.

Pretty soon I’ve seen everyone I wish to see on this trip home. I have no need for the week in Perth. I book a flight to Bali to spend the other five days.

Pouring myself onto that plane at 8am the next day feels like no other time I’ve spent in Perth. I realise I have stopped into holiday in my hometown.

Home is further away with Arthur, Jackson, Bill and Ted. I had really missed Bruski, having only just rescued him from the RSCPA. I thought about him sitting in that little cell at the boarding kennels, not knowing if I was coming back.

There must have been an issue with the air-conditioning on the plane … some dust got in my eye or something and water came out a bit.

I yearned for home, my tent, my swag, that paddock with my boys. I couldn’t imagine how attached I would become to every aspect of this life, shifting from being out of my comfort zone to it becoming my comfort zone. Time can’t pass quickly enough for me to get back to home.

Camel Sun

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  • Kathy Clark
    Posted on December 15, 2018 at 6:55 am

    Joh, sorry to hear about your mate.. Enjoy Bali and can’t wait to follow your trip. Merry Xmas & safe & happy New Year xx

  • Jason King
    Posted on January 9, 2019 at 2:31 am

    Amazing insights about holidaying in your previous home John. Very apt for me and something I can take from this post. Loving your work as always.

    • John Elliott
      Posted on January 19, 2019 at 5:30 am

      Thanks Kathy and Jason.


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